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Propercorn YCN Brief 

Propercorn – Done Properly YCN Brief

The Creative Challenge: How can we creatively bring the brands ethos of ‘Done Properly’ to our customers? How can we creatively connect with them in these moments to give them a memorable burst of our brand and beliefs. This could be in the form of a campaign piece of communication in a more traditional sense, or an altogether more radical physical engagement or experience. 

The Concept: ‘Popping with Quirkiness’

Our concept underpinned the true themes and ethos of the brand – Done Properly. We decided to execute this in a fun quirky way, which highlighted the quirky, alternative nature of the brand, by bringing their fun creative illustrations to life. We decided that the TV advertisement should show how all the ingredients are all hand and home grown but in a more entertaining abstract way. Stop motion and flat graphic animation are both really fashionable and quirky film styles at the moment, and we therefore felt that this would not only suit the concept perfectly, but additionally be appealing to our culturally savvy and fashionable audience.

The video idea came from one found online called "Fresh Guacamole- By Pes" its an animation that shows how guacalome is made using different materials rather than the ingredients themselves. this was the style of which we chose because of its quirky attention grabbing qualities and decided to recreate it to make one of their flavours. 



The accompanying media was also decided to channel this. we decided to start with a print campaign found in ad shells, featuring a "Wheres Wally" style and to be used in part of the social media aspect of the campaign. When scanned, these posters came to life and would unlock extra levels on a propercorn game (Found on the app store) Which would encourage the player tracking down the ingredients from where it is they are natually found, in order to create the flavours.

We also added an interactive ambient platform to the campaign in the style of an interactive bus stop. The two screens on either side of the bus stop are interative and tie in with the story being told on the illustrated vinyl which has been stuck to the back of the glass. 

Screen one - Left
Is an interative bubble wrap which when popped - pops the corn kernels.

Vinyl- Shows how the ingredients are source in a quirky way, similar in terms of illustration style to the print advertisements and product packaging. 

Screen Two- Right 
On this screen the audience can use the interative water pistols to shot the flavouring at the corn. 

The Bench will be in the illustration style featured on the packaging. A pop up tree and sign will also feature just infront of the bus stop. 

The whole bus stop could also be transfered into a more pop up platform and feature at food fairs and big events in the city. 

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